Friendly, Suggestive Criticisim
Now, I'll be quite blunt. I had a hard time watching this. I actually stopped the first time after that guy rides the tornado- but then soon came back to watch it again to give the full-out review you deserve.
It may be the fact I haven't seen the other episodes before, (most likely lowl) but it seemed kinda hard to follow. Such as, why did the BLT brothers appear? (Maybe did I just mishear something?)
Also, the jokes seemed kinda, forced. And I noticed many other reviews have said that as well. (And by forced jokes, one that really struck me was the Tom Pulp gag) Sometimes the funniest parts of shows and cartoons are parts that weren't even expected. So just try not to put to much effort into being funny- otherwise, it won't be.
The drawing style didn't bother me at all, but something I couldn't help but notice were that some scenes I could notice a little tweening. (Not that there's anything wrong with tweening, it's just the more you don't use it the more you can improve your over all animation skills.) And I mean, I've seen animations were the whole thing is tweening, maybe I was just a little more bothered by it in this case was because at first it seemed like you weren't trying to tween, which kinda makes those tweened scenes look a little half assed. (And not to mention, don't think I didn't notice how some scenes were and weren't shaded.)
And one more point that struck me- was the voice acting. The thing I suggest with that is make the voicing a little louder. The little added in sound effects seemed to be louder than the actual voice overs. And also- maybe a little more enthusiasm in the voices of the characters?
And one last thing. Don't take criticisms too much too heart. <3 I mean, I sure as hell am not some kinda hot shot critic. xD Just please don't take offense to my suggestive criticism. I didn't want it to be. xD I just see a lot of potential in your animation and with a little improvement it could be great! :] (And all I was trying to do was give some friendly advice. xD) I'll give you a 6/10. Just keep on animating! C: I hope to see great things come from you. ;] [6/10]